Thursday, February 9, 2012

From 1st to 2nd

My senior year of high school the only thing that was getting me and every other senior through the boredom and monotony of that last year of high school was the thought of graduation.  While we everyone was excited to graduate from high school and either move on to college or get a job in the real world, what was really motivating all of us to reach this point was the week after it, senior week.  Everyone who in our class had heard the almost legendary tails of what went down at senior week from those who had graduated before us, I myself had been regaled with stories of this mythical week by my older brother. So when the time came for this glorious week to start needless to say everyone was extremely excited and ready for it.

It is your senior year of high school and the only thing that is still getting you and every other senior through this ritualized practice of boredom and monotony is the thought of graduation.  While you and everyone else are excited about graduating and moving onto the real world either by going to college or getting a job, what is really motivating you is the thought of the week after graduation, senior week.  Everyone in your class has heard the almost legendary tails of what goes down there from the people who graduated before, you especially have heard numerous tales from your older brother.  So the time has finally come, it is your turn to experience this glorious week.

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